I am trying to take a fiber break every day - knit, embroider, etc.
Had a blast at the Griffin Dyeworks Retreat. We made the right choice to motel even with the 20 minute drive to site. My sinuses, my body, and my general diet health was better by having options not available at site. Even managed to get Will excited about the dyeing :) Drove down Thursday - Fri/Sat/Sun went to camp :) - Sun evening family time with Will's Mom - home Monday. Nice amount of time really away!
Tie Dye Indigo - can't keep my hands out of the dye pots and overdyeing is even better :)
Cochineal - LOVE the color you can get

Lichen - one was a yellow/gold and the other yellow/green that is a brilliant chartreuse.
Chemical dyes - using resists, overdyes, and "dust dyes". I now know how most of the colored roving I buy has been done. I know how to choose better and when it is worth paying the $$ or doing it myself. I also know more about blending the roving to spin.
I am not a chemist so having dye pots I can just play in rocks!
Learned to spin thick & thin intentionally and add in additional "accent" threads.
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