I am teaching as well. Yes I'm crazy!!! The class is one I've done before on shading, but will be lots better since I've done a class with Linn since then. We will do a bit with split, long and short, and couching. Talk about defining edges with split stitch or back stitch under and stem stitch and couching over. We will talk about angle and flow to accent. Then if we have time we may experiment with multiple threads - twisting 2 together to make one of an in between color.
Spent the weekend making new garb. Husband wants to do some early period stuff so I was making a Viking outfit and he was making his "colors". He is part of a war unit and one of the members will be elevated to the highest arts level (Laurel). The unit willl be standing guard during the lady's vigil and all the unit members will be in their colors. He only has a ratty over tunic for his armor so... he made himself a nice tunic for the event (yes he sews :)
As mentioned I've been doing some inkle weaving to relieve the stress of doing all the mind numbing detail work to make the event happen. I've woven 4 - approximately 3 yard pieces so far - black, green, cream for a new wool Viking for me, blue & red for husband's new early period tunic, blue & gold -- my first piece, but too yellow for what I had in mind so will need to do another (sigh) in a more goldy tone, and wine, peach, cream for my new linen Viking.

Will spend most of the rest of the week attending to details and juggling all the little last minute bits that make for a super event. Hope I remember everthing. It seems people like my events - "they are well planned, run well, people have handouts so they know what to expect - where & when, and they are fun". So now I have a reputation to live up too (drat!!! :)
Next week collapse and catch up on embroidery.