Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Museum Time

While I might want 25 hours in a day, I'm not sure I have the energy for such. We have been trying to get to all the museum happenings before they move on.

Asian Art - Treasures of Afghanistan -- one forgets just how much of a cross road it was during Greek and Roman times. The exhibit wasn't large, but it was exquisite. The glittery bits were fascinating. 4 groups were laid out in the way they were found in the tombs. As many of the smaller pieces were sewn onto the garb, this gave a sense of how the glitz was distributed over the clothing and person during life. The gold was very fine/thinly pounded out and made into fine beads. Hint: the "Tudor" rose is hundreds of years older than we think of it.

San Jose Tech Museum - DaVinci Exhibit
The first part was mechanisms from engineers that predated DaVinci or ones that he studied. Most had to do with lifting items or moving water. DaVinci's models were more studies of how things worked -- for example the use of ball bearing. The models were done in wood with appropriate metal bits and then in all metal. They were in no way to scale. Many Will recognized and could say "they use that on..." a cross bow for example. The last section was more about DaVinci and how he "saw" his world. Since we really forget that when we re-enact that we are doing it with modern perceptions, this was, for me, the best part.

Getty - Tres Riches Book of Hours
O-M-G --- repeat ad infinitum! Nothing we do today comes close! The key is knowing when to layer the pigments and metals as well as the shear volume of bits. We don't really understand their world and how to portray it. They, on the other hand, were incredible innovators. Came out with brain full and eyes fuzzy. Got the DVD, but the magnification is not what I would have liked (sigh).

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