Whew! Spent the last couple weeks putting the final finishing touches on the gollar and developing a section for our website showing all the Pearl Sticken projects with research notes (visit http://www.bayrose.org click on the Pearl Embroidery link). The gollar has been quite the labor of love as you will see.
I have known for quite awhile that I can't just recreate something. I can't do someone else's pattern or project. If I am going to do needlework, it needs to be a creative experience for me. Once I got past the hurdle of re-creating the gollar in the portrait, the project worked for me.
For the most part, I kept the elements of the portrait gollar. The key difference is that I changed the lower wide band from geometric to one that was a floral. It is my Poppy gollar. As a member of the Order of the Golden Poppy, I can wear a wreath of poppies - this is mine :)
The gollar is heavy, but the weight distributes well enough to wear comfortably. It fits me better than the mannequin and I can do up the center hooks to "close" it as shown in the portrait.
It will have its first official outing this weekend at Purgatorio. I will take pics to post then. It is all about the setting and I'll have on the right outfit to show case the gollar.
Hope you enjoy the eye candy.
How splendiferous!!!! I hope the event was one of those "aha moments."
This is a stunning gollar. It makes me want to learn pearl embroidery. Beautiful!
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