Sunday, February 20, 2011

Catching Up with This and That

On the Stitching front -- I am working on a BIG project. It is big in that it takes - bloody forever to get the work done. It is a small project in size - the whole thing is 6" x 6". The medium is seed pearls (in the truest form - 1 - 1.5 mm) and bullion on silk with various padded levels. It is quite the learning experience. I will blog more about it and the process of working the piece when it is done.

The frustrating part is my mind is going a million miles an hour on designing some new multi-fiber pieces. I don't do well with Visual Journals, but will probably resort to one just to get some of these ideas out of my head so I can keep the forward momentum on the pearl/bullion project. My muse sooooo very much wants out to play!

My guild meets next week and we get to play with Nancy Nehring and her Dorset Buttons. These are a Victorian button style that probably has its roots back in Renaissance times. It uses a ring which is covered and then decorated with needle lace techniques. Should be fun and no we are not doing them in single silk ply thread so sanity will be maintained.

Was asked to give an evaluation of the Cosmo threads by Lecien. The quilting shops have adopted the threads for decorating quilts with embroidery. It is slowly seeping into the regular embroidery world. My bottom line is - like the floss better than DMC - the quality of the colors and the handle of the thread is a treat. The 2 ply spools, hmmmm, I rarely use 2 ply so it will have limited use for me but does make a lovely outline stitch. Haven't tried the pearl cotton yet, but think I will enjoy it. I use pearl on Temari balls (for which it has numerous followers in New Zealand and Australia), some CQ, and for teaching needlelace techniques. The price is higher than its competition, but I don't mind paying more for better quality working materials. After all if it is worth my spending time working with them, then I want high quality materials.

Treating myself to a couple workshops this year. Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn are coming to my area and I was fortunate to land a place in their 5 day workshop. I am looking forward to expanding my mental horizons as well as my techniques. Then down to the LA area for a fiber retreat through Griffin Dyeworks. Don't know what the classes are, but I really don't care. Bjo Griffin will be there with her dyepots and there is so much fun and knowledge to absorb that the classes will only be a bonus. Lastly we are going to Costume College again. This is where we met in 1996 and we periodically make the trek back.

The muse is tugging at me now, so off to note stuff in the Visual Journal before I plant myself back in front of the sewing area. Think about 4-5 hours for 1" worth of work.

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