Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Whew! Managed to pickup Jane at the airport even with her plane an hour late. I used the time to visit Michaels and pick up 2 of everything she listed for us to bring. Somethings were in the alternative, but I figured there is always someone who can not find the necessary items or who didn't get the supplies list. We ran by the store to get a look at the space and design our set up. Met up with the class organizer and made sure everything was a go. Since the pickup was on fighter practice night, I warned Jane that there would be a strange man arriving home late. In fact she might not even see him even in the am since he was taking the MDX in for servicing and would be leaving early.

Will left early and I had just finished dressing when I received a call "Honey you need to come get me. I'm okay, but I've been in an accident." The accident was about 1.5 miles south on Hwy 1. It took me forever to get there. I called the class organizer to come pick up Jane since I didn't know when I would get there.

Will was at a stop light. He was stopped. He was rear ended by a newish pickup truck. It spun him 180 degrees and into the left turn lane. Fortunately, there was no cross traffic. The pickup stopped about 100 yards - he never braked. BOTH drivers walked away. So.... the MDX is no more. If you want to see pictures of the demise of the MDX ... It did its job and Will is okay -- a bit bruised and shaken, but okay. Went to the doc and he didn't find anything broken fortunately. Have spent large portions of several days with insurance companies since and it is not over yet.

Spent large portions of the day being Will's driver to work, the doc, etc. Spent a bit of time in class and picked up Jane at the end with Will along. He was still a bit dazed over the event.

Thoroughly enjoyed my remaining 3 days of class with Jane. She is delightful as a person and extremely knowledgeable as a teacher. She claims she is a bit of a martinet, but I found her to be very kid glove in guiding the class and ensuring that everything is adequately covered. Learned lots - lots of little hints and tricks that make things easier. I had commented on her name tag and asked how she did the pomegranate. She had me turn to the page of her book and started to walk me through it. I promptly said - I understand it now!

No time to practice unfortunately. Spent Tuesday with my EGA meeting, planning the CQ weekend in November and teaching Tuesday evening. Then had to finish the handout for the filet lace class and the Pennsic presentation bag for Saturday. The class went well - 5 students! The bag was delivered with 2 lengths of inkle trim in blue and gold and 2 dozen lavendar wands. Yes I took pics. I'll post a series of pics soon - I promise.

This week is more family history stuff and doing a bit of CQ. Need to have an example or 2 for the shop's booth at the County Fair. We want lots of signups for the November weekend. They need about 20 to cover the basic costs plus the cost of having me. Seems a bit strange to be charging serious bucks for my teaching, but it is 3 full days. Should be lots of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robin, I am so grateful Will is okay!!! The photos of the cars look awful.

Thanks for writing about Jane's visit and teaching. I will be taking a class from her this week, here in Minnesota and I can't wait.

I hope and pray Will heals quickly and that life calms down a bit for both of you.