So after the goldwork class, we took ourselves off to Kooza. It was all the things a circus should be - fun, thrilling, amazing, and all without animals. They even have the requisite clowns between acts. At one point they point a big canon at the audience and shoot out streamers. One hit Will and I immediately claimed it. I reeled it in and rewound the part that had unwound, and wound, and wound, and wound. Linn and I also took one look at each other and thought ATC materials - so pounced on more stuff.
For those that don't follow Sharon's blog, her daughter, Eve, is with a circus. She does fire walking and the high stilts. She also just expressed and interest in quilting. Linn had planned on sending the program to them. But we couldn't just let the envelop go empty could we? We were high on the energy from Kooza for the next couple days. Linn created an ATC and I created a tri-fold piece. We also wrote on the streamers and pulled bits from our fabric stashes. What fun to create something and then share it! I really think that is the best part of doing any art form.
Here for your pleasure are pics of the trifold:

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