Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Workshop Goodness

I have a loose goal of taking classes from all the major teachers. Thus, when one is teaching in my backyard, I try to attend. Vima de Marchi Micheli is one of the longtime teachers of Italian embroidery. She travels to Italy every year. She works with lacemakers and embroiderers to help them document, revive and save, their various styles of needlework. Vima mostly does lectures now, but she was giving a lecture and 2 day workshop locally last week.

The lecture was the fund raising luncheon for the Santa Clara chapter of EGA. I said a few words as Region Director. Need to get people on board for 2010 National in San Francisco and to help with membership outreach in the area. Vima did a fabulous lecture with slides showing lots of different types of Italian needlework. She also had a few pieces from her collection to show (yes with white gloves).

I had heard her lecture about 5 years ago, but somehow this time it was both more interesting and more understandable. I guess I've been learning:) Lots of things became clearer when she spoke; things that when read were confusing.

Thursday and Friday was a workshop of Amelia Ars. Amelia Ars was an arts revival movement. The piece was a combination of reticella, drawnwork, and surface. While the piece was designed on 18 ct. canvas (need to make it interesting to the canvasworkers), I did it on 36 ct linen. They used pearl cotton #5. I used linen 80/3. After 2 days, prework, and homework, I still had only small amounts to show for it. Good class. Learned lots and was able to up my game in working the lace methods. Think the linen piece will become my whitework learning sampler.

Near the end we got into making tassels. In Louisville, I watched her ladies make tassels and purchased some materials. I came home and have been working on a tassel. Fun!!! Pics soon.

Wish I had more time to sew. This RD thing eats time.

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