Beltane was HOT - I don't do HOT (+85-90 degrees). Court was long but really neat things happened and friends had a pavilion nearby so I could watch, but be in the shade. My entries didn't win, but they were yummy - everyone that tried them said so. Eventually I'll post the recipes to my website. Didn't get a lot of stitching done, but did get to spend time with friends from afar.
Been planning out my next steps for the month- another column due, June Crown is coming up and I need to get a couple projects done to show in the display, plus get more work done for A&S, plus some mundane things -- the husband is finally graduating (party needs to happen), all the inlaws are arriving, Linn is coming and doing the Goldwork class (almost full) & a blackwork class, going to Stitching Festival to take a couple classes and maybe do a Make It/Take It, and I finally broke down and am moving to OSX on a new machine. So the month will be very full.
But wait there is more -- fun. There must be fun. I am so looking forward to having Linn and Libby - always fun. Lots of work on the house and garden -- finally getting some things done that have been weighing heavy. It feels good to do the things that make the house a home. The yard is full of wonderful roses and the sweetpeas are beginning to take off. The yard is full of its critters - frogs, dragon flies, monarch butterflies, birds of all sizes and types that I've never seen before, and an occassional visiting cat (drives our Pete "the cat" crazy). Life is good!

Tonight I'll reward myself with stitching on the Crazy Quilt before moving on to the surface embroidery project - more on that later. It is mystery night on TV - 2nd Sight, Campion and then a fun "B" vampire movie - Kiss of the Vampire. Good stitching time.
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