Sunday, April 29, 2007

ouch goes the pocket book

Portobello - met up with Erna on her last day in her shop. Bought a reticella sampler - probably a learning sampler - 16th C. Went to the Thimble Club shop - bought a mother of pearl lucet and a Ladys Companion for embroidery and tambour. They want a column or 3 from me for the English audience -- what do you do with these tools...

Went back to the V&A. British Galleries - pre 1760 are closed. Textile room closed but they produced a gnome with key and I had 2 hours -- sigh. Never enough time but so much learned in those 2 hours. Scale -- more on this later. Stitches never talked about in different contexts and soooooo much more.

Off to dinner now. Figure if you pay a $1 for something in the US, you pay £1 but the conversion rate is 2:1 -- ouch. Cottage cheese when I return home.

Friday, April 27, 2007


This will be a short post from your friendly neighborhood internet cafe. Linn you know the one - in the Psychic Mews. Finally getting over the jet lag. The flight was lovely - business class and all, but still long and the time change gets to you no matter what. We are in the basement room of a converted Victorian/hotel. Will bumps his head on the door coming our of the room periodically.

Day 1 was the Museum of London. Expensive taxi ride but we were tired having just arrived on the plane. Half the museum is closed for renovations. Few if any textile items and nothing post 1660. Good displays of what they did have. Wish I had been able to see the sleeve with buttons and buttonholes BEFORE I gave the class -- pics in books just are not the same. Back to the hotel - early dinner, explore Queensway shops and to bed.

Up this am and off to the V&A. Half of it is closed for renovations and several more rooms - like the textile room with the slipcase, were closed due to lack of staff (colds, flu, etc.). Walked up almost to Harrods. Found powdered Coffeemate - no liquid. Soy milk is around - but we don't have refridgeration.

Excellent dinner at Wodka. Went there 10 years ago on our honeymoon (say ahhhhh). Now I'm battling an unfamiliar keyboard. Tomorrow Portobello. Will call and see if the V&A has staffing to open THE ROOM!!!!!

All for now -- ta ta (I'm getting in practice)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Life Takes Precedence Over Plans

It has been quite a week. Last Thursday, I wa already to go out when our youngest cat indicated to me that he was having breathin difficulty. We had thought that he was trying to have his first hairball, but it looked a bit different. Off to the vet! Diagnosis - Pickwick has asthma
He got a shot and inhalant. Relief was on the way. He stayed overnight and we picked him up on Friday. Meds - 1 pregnisone daily plus some antibiotics to ensure no lasting problems from the mucus. Saturday 6 am he had another attack. Gave him his pregnisone early and still no relief an our later. Off to the vet for another puff of inhalant! No Coronet for Husband or me.
Frantic house cleaning ensues to ensure all possible allergens that can be eliminated are gone. Since there have been winds and field clearing near us, that is the probable cause, but you never know.
Pickwick came home later in the day. Pregnisone 2x daily for 5 days then taper off to maintenance dosage. Inhalent pill version for emergencies. Husband stayed home and I went off to Aja's memorial celebration.
Indeed it was a celebration. Lots of old timers including some from Florida (Doug & Lorna) and Oregon (James). Lots of laughs and some tears. Yes I have pics of her work for the history site.
Pickwick is doing well on 2 pills. I've been staying home mostly to ensure all okay. Yesterday was the first day out -- had to do the the makeup and stocking thing for a professional meeting. I'm so out of practice (sigh). Now we begin the taper off. I'll be home mostly so I can be there for him. Hope all goes well. War looms in our future next weekend so will have to alert the pet sitter (she comes 2x day).
Now back to working on the plans for the UK trip. Getting excited! Need to do the homework for the sweetbag class - tent stitch in flat silk on linen canvas.