Sunday, April 29, 2007

ouch goes the pocket book

Portobello - met up with Erna on her last day in her shop. Bought a reticella sampler - probably a learning sampler - 16th C. Went to the Thimble Club shop - bought a mother of pearl lucet and a Ladys Companion for embroidery and tambour. They want a column or 3 from me for the English audience -- what do you do with these tools...

Went back to the V&A. British Galleries - pre 1760 are closed. Textile room closed but they produced a gnome with key and I had 2 hours -- sigh. Never enough time but so much learned in those 2 hours. Scale -- more on this later. Stitches never talked about in different contexts and soooooo much more.

Off to dinner now. Figure if you pay a $1 for something in the US, you pay £1 but the conversion rate is 2:1 -- ouch. Cottage cheese when I return home.

1 comment:

Tillerman Beads said...

Ouch indeed, more than ten years here and I still think of things in terms of dollar/pound conversions.

Cottage cheese? Luxury!
