Whew! Sorry not to post more often, but as you know from prior posts I've been runing fast. This will be a short report --
Purgatorio - made 4 wire brooches for the contest and won. Yes I'll post pics as soon as I can. For those keeping count, this is my 5th win. I've entered 7 contests, but since I did double entries on 2, I have qualified for the Poppy. Won't know who wins the Poppy until at least Oct Crown. Also made Spelt Bread for the Food for the Peasant. Didn't win, but the judges liked the entry. Tasted good too :)
Preparation for Oertha - Barony of Winters Gate Captaincy and Collegium continues. The classes I'm teaching are:
Entering Kingdom Level Competitions (handouts done)
Overview to 16th C. Embroidery - handout done - not a separate class, but the common jump point for each class
Lace a Slate Frame, Scroll Frame or Stretcher Bars (handout done)
Blackwork Bands (handout almost done)
Raised Stitches - Detached Buttonhole, Trellis, Hollie Point (redid Oct Crown '04 handout)
Plaited Braid and other Plaits - scanning and research done
Interlace Braids - scanning and research done
Finishing - Hemstitching and Needlelace Edgings - scanning and research done
Will try and finish the handouts today -- sigh. Will probably do the samples onsite or Friday since I have all Fri (we fly Thursday night). Probably will have large part of Saturday morning too to stitch.
Column - research done. Project charted and half way stitched. Need to focus to write which is difficult with so much else going on. A friend did up 2 examples so will scan them for the column. Due Sept 1
Plus we have tickets for Wicked on Wed afternoon (wooo hoooo!)
-- okay back to doing the handouts
Sharing a bit as I learn new techniques, design classes and projects that challenge modern stitchers to learn historic embroidery, and do a variety of projects.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
My Weekend Was Hijacked
The last week was, as posted previously, spent getting handouts and classes designed for the Collegium in Fairbanks. Have 7 classes on the docket for Labor Day weekend:
Entering Kingdom Level Competitions (not a needlework class, but needed for this audience and since I've been doing just this...)
Dressing a Slate Frame (or Scroll or Stretcher Bars)
Blackwork Bands (thanks to Linn for the charts)
Elizabethan Raised Stitches - focusing on Detached Buttonhole
Plaited Braid and Trellis Braid if we have time
Corded Interlace (well they are doing Tudor)
Finishing - Hemstitching & Needlelace Edges
Did an overview of the needlework handout. Took my slate frame article and revised it to cover scroll and stretcher bars. With the charts from Linn (skinnersisters.com) did the Blackwork Bands handout. Revised my Elizabethan Raised Stitches handout. Did the research for the other handouts and designed the classes. Then even managed to chart the project for my Pattern Darning column. It was a productive week through Thursday evening. Then...
Friday we found that we needed to take our oldest cat to the vet. He had lost another of his fangs a couple weeks ago, but hadn't shown any signs of tooth issues at the time. Seems he has an abcess. So onto the oxycillin and today went in for dental work. Spent friday afternoon on the Slate Frame handout.
In the evening we had planned on going to the storage locker to get stuff out for the garage sale. It seems that with all the rain we now have mold and mildew in our downstairs locker - big time and a little bit in one of the upstairs lockers. So... took the stuff out we wanted for the garage sale -- dreading what we would find when we opened the boxes. Some of the stuff was okay and some...
Saturday morning dawned with heavy misting. We did some set up - about 1/4th of what we planned. Did manage to get rid of some stuff - especially stuff that was awkward to have around. Made about $100 and shut down around 11am since it was just too wet. Did some rearranging and packed stuff into the garage (leaving the damp stuff open to the air for now). Then down to the storage locker after lunch. Moved stuff into the 2 upper lockers and brought the worst of the stuff home. Moved the rest to lay on raised boards so air can circulate and keep it drier. Since there will always be some moisture and the warmer dry months are ahead - we left some stuff in the lower locker for now. Will make a concentrated effort on clearing enough stuff out to give up that locker before Thanksgiving. Went home 3 1/2 hours later. Boy am I glad the husband is strong and that I'm a lot stronger than I was 6 months ago... Whew!
Then back home to make dinner for husband's brother and wife whom we had invited for dinner a few short days ago. Had the husband go to the farmers market in the am after putting out the garage sale signs. With his list in hand, he had bought fresh white corn, fresh peas, rasberries for me, a frozen Ollieberry pie and Artichoke bread from Cunha's -- our local small market that has everything and supports all the local small food producing merchants. We put chicken drumettes (frozen in their marinade from the party) on the barbecue and had a wonderful dinner after a loooooooong day.
Both of us spent some time thinking about how best to deal with "stuff" - I have a lot of stuff - 5 relatively recent estates worth of stuff plus all the stuff from both sets of grandparents.
We have been wanting to do a bookcase in the kitchen but the space for it is only a scant 24" and up to now had only found a half height size which has been groaning under all the books piled on it. Yes I like cook books both for cooking and reading.
We have been wanting to replace the drop leaf table in the kitchen with a buffet/cabinet. Unfortunately it has become the place where the older cat gets his scratching and brushing time -- he has the younger cat bamboozled into believing that he can't jump up onto the table :) We have also desparately needed counter stools. In the mail on Friday was an Ikea catalog. Since they cater to the European market, they had a 60 cm = scant 24" bookcase that is 78" high in the right wood. They also had a new style buffet/cabinet that is 52" wide and 78" high and 20" deep for the lower part in a soft white and pale green. The soft white is close to the white trim on the doors/windows and moldings in the house. They also had 2 really comfy counter stools with a white duck cover in birch which will work well.
Well you guessed it - after brunch we went to Ikea. Got home 5 hours later...Boy am I glad the husband is strong. No way could I have handled the 200 pound box, much less the 100 pound one.
After dinner - husband put together the bookcase. I unpacked the old bookcase and unpacked boxes. We did a couple loads of laundry with bleach and several loads of hand wash dishes. Husband bundled cardboard to go out tonight. Good thing mold is not a major trigger for our allergies!
So tired and the house is a mess with stuff all over -- and I had just gotten everything cleaned up. Sigh. Will spend the afternoon loading some stuff on ebay and repacking some of the stuff in clean paper and boxes. Maybe by tomorrow afternoon I can get back on track.
Entering Kingdom Level Competitions (not a needlework class, but needed for this audience and since I've been doing just this...)
Dressing a Slate Frame (or Scroll or Stretcher Bars)
Blackwork Bands (thanks to Linn for the charts)
Elizabethan Raised Stitches - focusing on Detached Buttonhole
Plaited Braid and Trellis Braid if we have time
Corded Interlace (well they are doing Tudor)
Finishing - Hemstitching & Needlelace Edges
Did an overview of the needlework handout. Took my slate frame article and revised it to cover scroll and stretcher bars. With the charts from Linn (skinnersisters.com) did the Blackwork Bands handout. Revised my Elizabethan Raised Stitches handout. Did the research for the other handouts and designed the classes. Then even managed to chart the project for my Pattern Darning column. It was a productive week through Thursday evening. Then...
Friday we found that we needed to take our oldest cat to the vet. He had lost another of his fangs a couple weeks ago, but hadn't shown any signs of tooth issues at the time. Seems he has an abcess. So onto the oxycillin and today went in for dental work. Spent friday afternoon on the Slate Frame handout.
In the evening we had planned on going to the storage locker to get stuff out for the garage sale. It seems that with all the rain we now have mold and mildew in our downstairs locker - big time and a little bit in one of the upstairs lockers. So... took the stuff out we wanted for the garage sale -- dreading what we would find when we opened the boxes. Some of the stuff was okay and some...
Saturday morning dawned with heavy misting. We did some set up - about 1/4th of what we planned. Did manage to get rid of some stuff - especially stuff that was awkward to have around. Made about $100 and shut down around 11am since it was just too wet. Did some rearranging and packed stuff into the garage (leaving the damp stuff open to the air for now). Then down to the storage locker after lunch. Moved stuff into the 2 upper lockers and brought the worst of the stuff home. Moved the rest to lay on raised boards so air can circulate and keep it drier. Since there will always be some moisture and the warmer dry months are ahead - we left some stuff in the lower locker for now. Will make a concentrated effort on clearing enough stuff out to give up that locker before Thanksgiving. Went home 3 1/2 hours later. Boy am I glad the husband is strong and that I'm a lot stronger than I was 6 months ago... Whew!
Then back home to make dinner for husband's brother and wife whom we had invited for dinner a few short days ago. Had the husband go to the farmers market in the am after putting out the garage sale signs. With his list in hand, he had bought fresh white corn, fresh peas, rasberries for me, a frozen Ollieberry pie and Artichoke bread from Cunha's -- our local small market that has everything and supports all the local small food producing merchants. We put chicken drumettes (frozen in their marinade from the party) on the barbecue and had a wonderful dinner after a loooooooong day.
Both of us spent some time thinking about how best to deal with "stuff" - I have a lot of stuff - 5 relatively recent estates worth of stuff plus all the stuff from both sets of grandparents.
We have been wanting to do a bookcase in the kitchen but the space for it is only a scant 24" and up to now had only found a half height size which has been groaning under all the books piled on it. Yes I like cook books both for cooking and reading.
We have been wanting to replace the drop leaf table in the kitchen with a buffet/cabinet. Unfortunately it has become the place where the older cat gets his scratching and brushing time -- he has the younger cat bamboozled into believing that he can't jump up onto the table :) We have also desparately needed counter stools. In the mail on Friday was an Ikea catalog. Since they cater to the European market, they had a 60 cm = scant 24" bookcase that is 78" high in the right wood. They also had a new style buffet/cabinet that is 52" wide and 78" high and 20" deep for the lower part in a soft white and pale green. The soft white is close to the white trim on the doors/windows and moldings in the house. They also had 2 really comfy counter stools with a white duck cover in birch which will work well.
Well you guessed it - after brunch we went to Ikea. Got home 5 hours later...Boy am I glad the husband is strong. No way could I have handled the 200 pound box, much less the 100 pound one.
After dinner - husband put together the bookcase. I unpacked the old bookcase and unpacked boxes. We did a couple loads of laundry with bleach and several loads of hand wash dishes. Husband bundled cardboard to go out tonight. Good thing mold is not a major trigger for our allergies!
So tired and the house is a mess with stuff all over -- and I had just gotten everything cleaned up. Sigh. Will spend the afternoon loading some stuff on ebay and repacking some of the stuff in clean paper and boxes. Maybe by tomorrow afternoon I can get back on track.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Designing Classes for Fairbanks/Oertha
The people/ladies primarily, in Fairbanks are paying for me to come up and teach. I'm very flattered needless to say. The husband is also going and has been persuaded to "teach" 2 classes - splicing/finishing ends of ropes and the monkeys fist knot. I'm doing between 5 - 7 classes, I think.
So lots to do - design the class, do the handout, get the materials, etc. I've gotten some input and need to finalize the details. The knowledge levels are very mixed, especially in the Fairbanks area. Some of the people get to classes in Anchorage and some don't. Some know which end of the needle goes into the fabric and some do lace. Wide span to cater to as well as interests.
Back to the grind stone.
So lots to do - design the class, do the handout, get the materials, etc. I've gotten some input and need to finalize the details. The knowledge levels are very mixed, especially in the Fairbanks area. Some of the people get to classes in Anchorage and some don't. Some know which end of the needle goes into the fabric and some do lace. Wide span to cater to as well as interests.
Back to the grind stone.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
SOOOOOOOOO very hard to choose
Between all my other projects, I'm putting together my 50th Birthday party.
Hall - reserved and paid for. We are at the one where we got married. It has a large wooden dance floor.
DJ - done. It was important to find someone who understood all the dance types.
Food - we are keeping it good but reasonably simple finger food. Between Cosco and on-line gourmet places...
Invitations -- been handing them out and am doing a mass email/pdf.
Decorations -- keep it simple. Disposable stuff (helps with clean up) and some vases of flowers.
The really hard part is the music. We are doing a dance through time and you can only play so much music in the time allotted. Been going through all my cds and old tapes to choose my favorites. Needless to say it is very hard to choose. Then again I LOVE disco. Yes I know, but I lived in NY at the height of Disco and cleared the floors with my partner. But lets be honest, not everyone likes disco. A mix of rock and disco for the last hour or so. But what to choose. So very very hard.
Hall - reserved and paid for. We are at the one where we got married. It has a large wooden dance floor.
DJ - done. It was important to find someone who understood all the dance types.
Food - we are keeping it good but reasonably simple finger food. Between Cosco and on-line gourmet places...
Invitations -- been handing them out and am doing a mass email/pdf.
Decorations -- keep it simple. Disposable stuff (helps with clean up) and some vases of flowers.
The really hard part is the music. We are doing a dance through time and you can only play so much music in the time allotted. Been going through all my cds and old tapes to choose my favorites. Needless to say it is very hard to choose. Then again I LOVE disco. Yes I know, but I lived in NY at the height of Disco and cleared the floors with my partner. But lets be honest, not everyone likes disco. A mix of rock and disco for the last hour or so. But what to choose. So very very hard.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Lots to Share
Whew! Hard to believe it was less than a week. Drove to LA on Wednesday last. Thursday - up early to go to the Tut exhibit. It was different than the prior ones in San Francisco and London. This was more from other finds and a little from Tut's tomb. It was good to learn more about that time period of Egypt's history. Just a little disappointing from the "wow" you'd expect from Tut's stuff. The gold coffin was his aunt's and not nearly as fine as his. The gold items and jewelery from Tut's tomb was VERY spectacular -- just very few items. No coffins. No headdresses. No masks. Basically as little as they could have and still call it Tut.
Then over to Linn's for lunch. As a special treat, I got to peruse The Library. After lunch off to the Getty. They were doing a couple interesting exhibits and then of course there is the store. Picked up some good books, but we were relatively conservative since we were off to Costume College. Then back to Linn's neighberhood for dinner at Dharma Ghreb. It was okay. The conversation was better than the food.
Friday - Saturday - Sunday was Costume College -- classes all day in lots of costuming areas. And the marketplace is sinful mostly for the books and little things that are hard to find -- like good buttons. The classes were mixed some good information and some where the "teacher" spouted old wives tales. We have been doing this now for MANY years and it is hard to get beyond the basic and even intermediate level classes. A couple presenters were very good, but...don't know if there is sufficient value for us to go back. The best value really was in seeing and learning from people who are out of our geographic area. Re-enactors tend to copy from one another and it was good to be exposed to new faces and new focuses of research.
Saturday evening was the Time Travelers Ball. It used to be that they did music from all eras and usually in some time related order. Not this time. Nor were there many waltzes. Lots of modern - well the last 35 years modern. Husband wore a tux since that is what fit. I wore a saphire blue velvet (silk) dress with lots of "wicca" style blue accessories. The theme was Morgana's Ball so... Fun dinner companions. Food - just okay. Ate too much all weekend, but then the bread was the best thing they offered.
Sunday evening out with friends Walter and Sheila. He runs LAHA. Husband has know them for many years and lots of iterations of reenactment. Good evening with friends.
Monday up relatively early to drive north. Stopped in San Louis Obispo to pick up a cat tree. It looks like a tree made from carpet - this one is about 5'. The top has a bucket and there are 2 large platforms as well. We have been trying to get a larger one with 2 buckets, but after waiting and not getting what we wanted, this will work. Then on to the Mom in-laws for lunch and a visit. Then home around 8 pm. The cats were happy to see us and took turns sleeping on thebed last night.
Today was catchup. I'm not yet, but... Saw this a couldn't resist. Too true. Actually - it should be a roll of cd's -- lots of information and most indepth, but... ah well.
Then over to Linn's for lunch. As a special treat, I got to peruse The Library. After lunch off to the Getty. They were doing a couple interesting exhibits and then of course there is the store. Picked up some good books, but we were relatively conservative since we were off to Costume College. Then back to Linn's neighberhood for dinner at Dharma Ghreb. It was okay. The conversation was better than the food.
Friday - Saturday - Sunday was Costume College -- classes all day in lots of costuming areas. And the marketplace is sinful mostly for the books and little things that are hard to find -- like good buttons. The classes were mixed some good information and some where the "teacher" spouted old wives tales. We have been doing this now for MANY years and it is hard to get beyond the basic and even intermediate level classes. A couple presenters were very good, but...don't know if there is sufficient value for us to go back. The best value really was in seeing and learning from people who are out of our geographic area. Re-enactors tend to copy from one another and it was good to be exposed to new faces and new focuses of research.
Saturday evening was the Time Travelers Ball. It used to be that they did music from all eras and usually in some time related order. Not this time. Nor were there many waltzes. Lots of modern - well the last 35 years modern. Husband wore a tux since that is what fit. I wore a saphire blue velvet (silk) dress with lots of "wicca" style blue accessories. The theme was Morgana's Ball so... Fun dinner companions. Food - just okay. Ate too much all weekend, but then the bread was the best thing they offered.
Sunday evening out with friends Walter and Sheila. He runs LAHA. Husband has know them for many years and lots of iterations of reenactment. Good evening with friends.
Monday up relatively early to drive north. Stopped in San Louis Obispo to pick up a cat tree. It looks like a tree made from carpet - this one is about 5'. The top has a bucket and there are 2 large platforms as well. We have been trying to get a larger one with 2 buckets, but after waiting and not getting what we wanted, this will work. Then on to the Mom in-laws for lunch and a visit. Then home around 8 pm. The cats were happy to see us and took turns sleeping on thebed last night.
Today was catchup. I'm not yet, but... Saw this a couldn't resist. Too true. Actually - it should be a roll of cd's -- lots of information and most indepth, but... ah well.
![]() | I am: a rolodexSomehow this perennial data organizing device never quite succumbs to the digital age. |
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